We Speak Your Language
Our experience in solving the construction problems of hundreds of clients in scores of different businesses is a tool we use in communicating with our clients. This “tool” is utilized to solve any construction challenge, and to communicate solutions in a manner specific to your corporate environment.
When appropriate, outside professionals are identified to supplement the JMS Construction team, lending additional diversity of discipline and construction knowledge to your construction project.
We Solve Your People and Productivity Problems.
A critical goal for us is to understand your on-going productivity requirements of your business and being sensitive to the specific needs of existing employees. What we can do to minimize unproductive distractions is equally as important as getting the job done. Pre-construction resolution of issues such as parking, security, material drop locations and site protection reduce the possibility of complaints.
We are Committed to the Value of “Value Engineering”
At the core of our bidding process is the understanding of our inclusion of value engineering. By bringing together three or more construction disciplines that are geared toward evaluating your particular needs, it brings to bear the experience of each member of the team. This can, and usually does develop into solving not how cheaply can we bid this project and still meet specifications, but what can we accomplish to enhance your project within your pro forma allowance.
We Make the Project Function Efficiently.
During the pre-construction meetings, we address the total scope of the construction project so that quick decisions will not be required at later times. We promote client interaction with our subcontractors to achieve complete understanding of your requirements and resolve situations before they impact schedules or erode budgets.Decisions made quickly are often the most costly and need to be minimized. Change orders, by their nature, demand immediate response. Pre-construction evaluations can tremendously eliminate the need for rushed decisions that may effect the schedule completion or interfere with well defined budgets.
We Ask for your Business.
Our reputation is based upon job performance, quality workmanship, management reliability and integrity, and the commitment in every project to protect the best interests of you, the client. This reputation is our best reference, and the reason your construction plans should include a Request for Proposal from JMS Construction.